Thursday, July 25, 2013

Both energy conservation and energy efficiency result in less energy used. Energy conservation is doing something, often an alternative way, that results in lower or no energy use. An example would be to air dry your clothes rather than run the dryer. Energy efficiency is the efficiency that a technology uses energy, like a fluorescent light bulb using less energy than a traditional one. While energy efficient technologies typically have a bigger up-front cost, both energy efficiency and energy conservation will (eventually) result in money savings.

Here are some ways you can conserve energy:
• Turn off the lights when you're done in a room.
• Turn off the TV, Computers, etc. when you aren't using them. Additionally, turn off the power strips they are plugged into at night; TVs, DVD players and the like use several watts of power while in standby mode.
• Air dry your dishes.
• Air dry your clothes.
• Take short showers instead of baths or long showers.
• Close the doors and windows to your home when the heating or cooling system is running.

Here are some ways you can be energy efficient:
• Purchase a programmable thermostat to efficiently manage your systems and temperatures.
• Purchase low-flow shower-heads.
• Washing laundry and dishes only at full capacity to maximize efficiency.
• Use appliances, electronics and light bulbs with Energy Star labels, as these products meet very strict efficiency requirements.
• Purchase a newer, more energy efficient heating and cooling. You'd be surprised how far efficiency and standard efficiency requirements have come.

If you're looking for a new system or maybe just a thermostat, give us a call today!

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