Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Top 5 Common Heating System Problems

We're half way through January but winter isn't done with us yet. Keep an eye out for these top 5 common problems with heating systems.

1. Thermostat Issues
Maybe your room temperature is totally off from what the thermometer is set at, or maybe the heat pump cycles on and off too often; thermostat problems are extremely common, and relatively inexpensive to remedy.

2. Air-Flow Problems
Do you have one room in your home that just seems to be more or less warm than the rest? You probably have an air-flow problem. Air-flow problems can be caused by dirty filters or coils. If you encounter this problem make sure to have your system maintained at least twice a year.

3. Carbon Monoxide Leaks
While new furnaces can have the issue as well, older furnaces have a significantly higher chance of leaking carbon monoxide making it even more vital to have a carbon monoxide detector in your home. Even the smallest, most un-noticeable leaks can be fatal. Have your furnace checked by a professional on a regular basis for this at the very least.

4. Drafts and Insulation Problems
Poor insulation, leaky windows and doors can cause major heating problems. Homeowners can annually spend hundreds of dollars unnecessarily to compensate for these problems, and at some point they'll have spent more than it would have cost to fix it.

5. Heating System Pilot Light or Ignition Control Issues
If your heat seems to randomly shut off, it's likely because of a malfunctioning pilot light or ignition control. This is an extremely dangerous problem to try to fix on your own, so if you suspect a busted pilot light or ignition control, call a professional right away.

If you have any of the aforementioned problems, or have any other questions or concerns with your HVAC system, call us today!

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